“…for many of those sympathetic to Israel, the indifference to terror when it takes place in Israel indicates that a higher standard applies compared to other countries”

…for many of those sympathetic to Israel, the indifference to terror when it takes place in Israel indicates that a higher standard applies compared to other countries. Unlike the “Je suis (fill-in “Charlie,” “Belge,” etc.) campaigns in other terror incidents, no “I am Tel Aviv” demonstrations are likely anywhere other than among those already pro-Israel. The terror of the rest of world is seen as such, and the terror in Israel is just seen differently. And that annoys many pro-Israel activists.

But while different acts of terror use the same means, not all terror is directed at the same ends. Although the world may unfairly hold Israel to a different standard, the terror in Europe is not the same as the terror in Israel, and most understand it that way. Islamists want the world and care little about Palestinians. Palestinians, for the most part, want Palestine and care little about the world.

Irwin J. Mansdorf, “Why Israel Gets Little Sympathy When Terrorists Strike”, The Jewish Week (17 June 2016), 19.