Alcoholic Drinks, Beer, Wine “Most traditional forms of alcohol are made for immediate consumption” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 April 2021 Most traditional forms of alcohol are made for immediate consumption: They will spoil within...
Alcoholic Drinks, Beer, Wine “Unlike its role in other societies, wine eventually replaced beer and other drinks altogether among Greeks (except Spartans), Etruscans, and Romans of all social classes” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 April 2021 In Europe, credible evidence for alcoholic beverages, especially drinking vessels in funerary contexts, dates...
Beer, Bible, Jewish, Wine Whereas barley beer and beer goddesses reigned supreme in the lowlands of Egypt and Mesopotamia, wine was the preferred fermented beverage in the upland regions of the southern Levant. The Holy Land is where two of the world’s major religions – Judaism and Christianity – originated, and their holy writings (“scriptures”) are a testament to the centrality of wine in faith and practice. Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 November 2020 Whereas barley beer and beer goddesses reigned supreme in the lowlands of Egypt and...
Bible, Esther, Wine The Phrase משתה in the Book of Esther Author Drew Kaplan Date 31 January 2019 Many English versions translate משתה generally as either “feast” (e.g., ESV, KJV, NKJV) or...
Alcoholic Drinks, Beer, Bible, Wine “…while ‘strong drink’ remains the most frequent English translation of שֵׁכָר, confusion about its identity persists” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 September 2017 Today, while ‘strong drink’ remains the most frequent English translation of שֵׁכָר, confusion about...
Alcoholic Drinks, Beer, Middle East, Wine “The ancient Near East was divided in its alcoholic beverages into two main regions, those whose geographical properties suited the growing of grapes and those unsuited for growing grapes” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 July 2017 The ancient Near East was divided in its alcoholic beverages into two main regions,...
Amoraim, Babylonian Talmud, Beer, Late Antiquity, Wine “The contrast between wine culture of Palestine and beer culture of Babylonia is well documented in the Talmud…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 May 2017 One of the important distinctions between the diet of Graeco-Roman Palestine and Babylonia was...
Beer, Wine “…beverages in antiquity most often contained many ingredients: products solely composed of barley, grapes, or dates were rare” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 May 2017 Compounding the difficulty in identifying שֵׁכָר is the fact that beverages in antiquity most...
Babylonian Talmud, Beer, Wine “…it appears that wine was much more expensive in Babylonia than beer in the Talmudic period” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 February 2017 …it appears that wine was much more expensive in Babylonia than beer in the...
Alcoholic Drinks, Beer, Bible, Wine “Ancient alcoholic beverages don’t always fit into neat, distinct categories” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 February 2017 Ancient alcoholic beverages don’t always fit into neat, distinct categories. Chemical evidence of ancient...