Journalism, Orthodoxy “When you’re a member of the very society you’re reporting on, every word is laden with responsibility. Personal and professional are always mixed” Author Drew Kaplan Date 27 May 2020 In my eight years as an Orthodox journalist writing mainly about Orthodox life for...
Internet, Journalism, News Media, Newspapers, Websites “…journalism, as a field, is as addled as an addict, gaunt, wasted, and twitchy, its pockets as empty as its nights are sleepless” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 February 2019 In the past half century, and especially in the past two decades, journalism itself—the...
Journalism “We need to talk about the real ‘problem with the discourse’, which is the cheap culture of false equivalency and its exploitation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 May 2017 We need to talk about the real “problem with the discourse”, which is the...
Journalism, News Media, Politics in America “…conservatives with big microphones taught their listeners not to believe what is reported in the mainstream media…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 December 2016 …while conservatives with big microphones taught their listeners not to believe what is reported...
America, Journalism, News Media, Writing “Conflicts gain sustained American attention only when they provide a compelling story line that appeals to both the public and political actors…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 9 October 2016 The United States is the world’s sole remaining superpower, but Americans often seem so...
Journalism, Politics in America “Trump’s deteriorating relationship with the press is revealing about Trump himself…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 September 2016 Trump’s deteriorating relationship with the press is revealing about Trump himself — about the...
Journalism, Politics in America “There is an idealistic and a cynical reason for automatic equivalence in political reporting” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 September 2016 There is an idealistic and a cynical reason for automatic equivalence in political reporting....
Journalism, News Media, Newspapers, Politics in America “…the national press is undoubtedly cosmopolitan in its outlook…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 23 August 2016 I have worked in a number of newsrooms, and I know writers and editors...
Journalism, Politics in America “It’s not that we shouldn’t have covered Trump’s craziness, but that we should have aggressively provided context in the form of fact checks and robust examination of policy proposals” Author Drew Kaplan Date 23 May 2016 Although many of us journalists have derided Trump, the truth is that he generally...
Journalism, News Media, Politics in America, Television “Our first big failing was that television in particular handed Trump the microphone without adequately fact-checking him or rigorously examining his background, in a craven symbiosis that boosted audiences for both” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 April 2016 Those of us in the news media have sometimes blamed Donald Trump’s rise on...