Category Archives: Life Advice
“Good feedback opens with praise/thanks, demonstrates you were paying attention and engages the subject matter”
“My problem with goals is that they are limiting”
“…the advice to be more mindful often contains a hefty scoop of moralizing smugness…”
“Perhaps the single philosophical consensus of our time is that the key to contentment lies in living fully mentally in the present”
“…here’s what people in crisis and happiness want to hear from you: heart-warming stories or any of these expressions…”
What science suggests if we “want to be more productive and creative, and to have more energy”
7 tips that Dr. Erica Brown has “picked up to make written thank-you notes more memorable”
“Allow yourself to make mistakes and serve the team” – Lesson from Patinkin
“If you ask me, ‘You’re 60, what’s one of the best things you’ve picked up?’ Two things I would say. One is stop trying to be Superman. Allow yourself to make mistakes and serve the team. I spent so many of my younger days thinking it had to be about me, you had to hear me, you had to see me. The other thing is, and it’s a double-edged sword because I live to work, I love it, is that all my life, no matter what happened, I wanted to capitalize on it, turn it into something to move me forward, make my career better. Where do I need to go? As opposed to ‘Are you even for one second where you are? Are you seeing anything you’re doing?’”
Mandy Patinkin quoted in Alex Witchel, “‘I Behaved Abominably'”, The New York Times Magazine (25 August 2013), 58.
What I find most interesting is the views that are most repugnant to me.
What I find most interesting is the views that are most repugnant to me.
Irwin Kula, “Texts Without Borders,” Rabbis Without Borders (New York City: 8 November 2011),