Lubavicher Hasidim “This vernacular, coupled with humor, creates a welcoming space” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 March 2017 …religious education has become a commodity that attracts people with a welcoming common vernacular...
Haredim/Haredi-ism, Internet, Lubavicher Hasidim, Websites “There is no substantial evidence to see if Aish’s movement is more effective than Chabad’s, but the more modern approach to the material does continue to set the difference in tone in these two online orthodox movements” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 February 2017 Like Chabad, Aish provides links to information about their schools and drop-in classes. The...
Internet, Lubavicher Hasidim “…the most modern technology is providing outreach to people in search of an older, traditional lifestyle” Author Drew Kaplan Date 31 October 2016 The use of the internet by orthodox groups also suggests a paradox: the most...
Internet, Lubavicher Hasidim “With rates of suicide and drug abuse as high as they are in America, recognizes that these are the moments when they have a chance of connecting to, and helping, a specific audience” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 September 2016 There is a cliché that “There are no atheists in a fox hole.” Chabad...
Internet, Lubavicher Hasidim “Chabad’s site is an open gym, but the exercise is religious education and practice” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 September 2016 The gym may be open 24 hours. This allows those who work, have families,...
Internet, Jewish Organizations, Lubavicher Hasidim “The best part of Chabad’s site is that it appeals to all ages” Author Drew Kaplan Date 19 September 2016 By the mid-1980s, computers had been introduced to the average home; they had also...
Haredim/Haredi-ism, Lubavicher Hasidim, Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy, YCT “Ironically, from a professional perspective the liberal YCT rabbi actually has more in common with Haredi outreach-oriented figures than the inreach focused RIETS graduates” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 August 2015 Ironically, from a professional perspective the liberal YCT rabbi actually has more in common...
Lubavicher Hasidim “It is uplifting to see segments of the community suddenly adopt Chabad strategies” Author Drew Kaplan Date 14 May 2015 It is uplifting to see segments of the community suddenly adopt Chabad strategies. The...
Christianity, Lubavicher Hasidim “…when you have made up your mind to believe that your rabbi is God, neither death nor disappearance will discourage you” Author Drew Kaplan Date 1 December 2014 Apparently, when you have made up your mind to believe that your rabbi is...
Hasidim, Lubavicher Hasidim “Lubavitchers aim ultimately to make their way the new standard of observant Judaism: Orthodox and yet at home in the modern world” Author Drew Kaplan Date 1 October 2014 In their tolerance of modernity (uncharacteristic of harediJews in general) and their ability to...