Halakhic Books/Works/Writings, Modern Orthodoxy “A Guide to the Complex is, therefore, such a helpful model for what Modern Orthodox halakhah can be….” Author Drew Kaplan Date 31 December 2014 A Guide to the Complex is, therefore, such a helpful model for what Modern...
Bible, Genesis “Sarah’s story becomes a cautionary tale for us — a tale about the vital need every human being has to feel a sense of weight and gravitas…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 31 December 2014 It is not coincidental that while Sarah is the direct object of several verbs...
Marriage, Sex “Calling all husbands: mikveh night is not only your wife’s ‘thing'” Author Drew Kaplan Date 30 December 2014 Calling all husbands: mikveh night is not only your wife’s “thing”. Remember the children’s...
Modern Orthodoxy “For Modern Orthodoxy to remain true to its calling, it must advocate for incorporating the values of modernity into a life of Torah and mitzvot, and it must do so while remaining part of the ongoing Orthodox conversation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 30 December 2014 Modern Orthodoxy occupies a position as a progressive wing of the Orthodox community. We...
Halakhah, Halakhic Books/Works/Writings “Halakhah has become another tool in the arsenal of inter-denominal polemics and, even more fiercely, internal Orthodox polemics” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 December 2014 There is, too often, an inverse relationship between the public awareness of a given...
Marriage, Relationships, Sex “In preparation for marriage, teach your son that sex is about intimacy and interpersonal communication, not just physical function” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 December 2014 In preparation for marriage, teach your son that sex is about intimacy and interpersonal...
Orthodoxy “If civil disobedience was inevitable, I’m glad that activist rabbis were prominent among those arrested, and probably it would have been better had there been Orthodox rabbis among them” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 December 2014 If civil disobedience was inevitable, I’m glad that activist rabbis were prominent among those...
Food The Food Movement “has ignored the core economic inequities and contradictions embedded in our food system” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 December 2014 The food movement — led by celebrity chefs, advocacy journalists, students and NGOs —...
Sex “Sexual assault may not be perfectly defined even in the law, but that term has always implied involuntary sexual activity…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 December 2014 Sexual assault may not be perfectly defined even in the law, but that term...
America “When it comes to voting, showing people its value is much more powerful than talking about it” Author Drew Kaplan Date 26 December 2014 When it comes to voting, showing people its value is much more powerful than...