Fundraising “…if a nonprofit organization ever had a dream of building magnificent scale that required that for six years,…we would expect a crucifixion” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 January 2015 Amazon went for six years without returning any profit to investors, and people had...
Fundraising “…we should be investing more money, not less, in fundraising, because fundraising is the one thing that has the potential to multiply the amount of money available for the cause that we care about so deeply” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 January 2015 …this one very dangerous question, which is, “What percentage of my donation goes to...
Fundraising “Our generation does not want its epitaph to read, “We kept charity overhead low.” We want it to read that we changed the world…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 January 2015 This is what happens when we confuse morality with frugality. We’ve all been taught...
Business, Fundraising “…the nonprofit sector is starved for growth and risk and idea capital” Author Drew Kaplan Date 19 January 2015 …the for-profit sector can pay people profits in order to attract their capital for...
Fundraising “…we don’t like nonprofits to use money to incentivize people to produce more in social service” Author Drew Kaplan Date 14 January 2015 We have two rulebooks. We have one for the nonprofit sector and one for...
Fundraising “nonprofits are really reluctant to attempt any brave, daring, giant-scale new fundraising endeavors for fear that if the thing fails, their reputations will be dragged through the mud” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 January 2015 Disney can make a new $200 million movie that flops, and nobody calls the...
Fundraising “Donor recognition has become an increasing problem in a culture of entitlement” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 September 2014 Donor recognition has become an increasing problem in a culture of entitlement. We only...
Fundraising “enjoy the break after June 30, because the next campaign year begins on July 1” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 August 2014 Over the course of my years in the nonprofit world, I recall more than...
Fundraising As opposed to hob nobbing, “you should turn your attention to your existing relationships to identify and engage new supporters” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 May 2014 It would seem that common sense would dictate that a fundraiser should hob nob...