Rabbinic Literature “Why did the rabbis in the early period (for the most part) divide people based on righteousness and virtue, and in the later period based on ethnicity?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 April 2021 Why did the rabbis in the early period (for the most part) divide people...
Babylonian Talmud, Rabbinic Literature “…studying Talmud…connects the (presumably) pluralistic ideas of the learner with the very activity in which they are engaged” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 April 2021 Even as the Shoah and the State of Israel were essential drivers of Greenberg...
Babylonian Talmud, Rabbinic Literature “No talmudic discussion regards the recitation of [the Song of the Day] as anything other than temple practice” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 February 2021 …the daily Levitical songs (Pss 24, 48, 82, 94, 81, 93, 92) as recorded...
Amoraim, Babylonian Talmud “A number of Rava’s rulings require intention as a necessary condition for establishing liability for both civil and ritual violations” Author Drew Kaplan Date 9 August 2020 Where early generations of Babylonian Amoraim employed a system of strict liability in deciding...
Amoraim, Babylonian Talmud, Talmud “The fourth century was a period of great innovation in the history of Talmudic jurisprudence and legal conceptualization” Author Drew Kaplan Date 9 August 2020 The fourth century was a period of great innovation in the history of Talmudic...
Babylonian Talmud “the Talmud only makes sense to the reader who has already read it; a first reading of the Talmud only happens during its second reading” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 April 2020 The Talmud is not a book to be read, but a book to do...
Mishnah, Tannaitic Literature “The term ma’aseh is the intrusion of real life events into the largely theoretical in hypothetical discourse of the Mishnah” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 February 2020 The term ma’aseh is the intrusion of real life events into the largely theoretical...
Babylonian Talmud, Haredim/Haredi-ism, Jewish Community The Siyum HaShas “Shockingly Has Nothing to Do with the Talmud Bavli” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 January 2020 The Event Shockingly Has Nothing to Do with the Talmud Bavli. I kind of...
Late Antiquity, Mishnah, Tannaitic Literature “A comparison between Avot and Philostratus’ Lives of the Sophists underscores striking similarities and differences between the compositions…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 February 2019 A comparison between Avot and Philostratus’ Lives of the Sophists underscores striking similarities and...
Babylonian Talmud, Mishnah, Rabbinic Literature, Talmud of the Land of Israel “Philologists can sometimes forget that texts are not themselves autonomous subjects that move here and there, or chameleons that change color to fit the scenery” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 January 2019 Philologists can sometimes forget that texts are not themselves autonomous subjects that move here...