California, Politics in America “To label something ‘un-American’ is to imagine America as it should have been or as it might yet be but not as it ever was” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 May 2017 On the surface, “un-American” implies consensus: It carries a punch only when everybody agrees...
Beer, California “Known now as ‘The Bates Bill’, the new law allowed the explosive growth of microbreweries and brewpubs, first throughout California…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 May 2016 In 1983, the California state legislature successfully passed Assembly Bill 3610, amending Section 23357...
Beer, California “The climate of California made it ready for the growth of craft brewing” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 April 2016 As the first years of craft brewing progressed, there was little reason to think...
Beer, California “A relic of post-Prohibition law was defeated in the Legislative chamber, providing an encouraging nod to the nation’s homebrewers” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 February 2016 In 1979, any fears that…homebrewers may have had about legal ramifications were quelled when...
Beer, California “Brewing is both a science and an art” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 January 2016 Brewing is both a science and an art. To make an excellent beer, a...
Beer, California “California has a historic role in the development of homebrewing in America” Author Drew Kaplan Date 30 December 2015 The vast majority of brewers in California, and the nation for that matter, began...
Beer, California “…the trend of beer becoming bigger, blander, and nationwide would not continue unabated” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 December 2015 Nationwide, the downward trend in number of operated breweries reached the lowest point in...