Israel, Six-Day War, Zionism “Zionism leverages the bravery of the Hasmoneans, but tries to get us to forget the corruption and decline of their ruling class once empowered…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 July 2017 Zionism — and, here, I mean especially the muscular Zionism of the Six-Day War,...
Zionism “Religious Zionism, the brand of Zionism that benefited the most from the triumph in the 1967 war, is the strangest hybrid of all” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 July 2017 Religious Zionism, the brand of Zionism that benefited the most from the triumph in...
Israel, Jewish, Jews, Judaism, Zionism “…how did a people that envisions itself in prayer as a community of tents, itinerant in the wilderness, become so fixated on construction projects?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 27 June 2017 The fact that Oz is an outspoken opponent of occupation and the policies required...
Israel, Jews in America, Zionism “There are a lot of vigorously debated hypotheses about why American Jews appear to be distancing themselves from Israel” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 June 2017 There are a lot of vigorously debated hypotheses about why American Jews appear to...
Israel, Zionism “The people of Israel will not prove itself worthy of its land by listing more companies on NASDAQ or with an increased number of start-ups…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 May 2017 The State of Israel exists, first and foremost, as the nation-state of the Jewish...
Israel, Palestinians, Zionism “The Zionist movement succeeded in creating a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel over sixty years ago” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 May 2017 The Zionist movement succeeded in creating a homeland for the Jewish people in the...
Politics in America, Zionism “…for those who believe that a two-state solution is in the best interest of Israel, the Palestinians and the world, how exactly is one able to oppose settlement expansion without being labeled anti-Israel?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 May 2017 For progressively-minded Zionists, our love for Israel is not the same as blanket support...
Politics in America, Zionism “…by denying liberal principles, Zionism immediately becomes continuous with…the anti-Semitic politics of the sort promoted by the alt-right” Author Drew Kaplan Date 27 December 2016 …by denying liberal principles, Zionism immediately becomes continuous with — rather than contradictory to...
Politics in America, Zionism “Bannon and the Trumpian right have discovered what Jews have known for a century: That Zionism is built, in part, on the rejection of Diaspora Jewish identity” Author Drew Kaplan Date 30 November 2016 Bannon and the Trumpian right have discovered what Jews have known for a century:...
Jews in America, Zionism “The problem with the Golden Age of American Zionism was that for far too many Jews, support for Israel became a vicarious faith…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 23 November 2016 The problem with the Golden Age of American Zionism was that for far too...