Twitter “Twitter, in its imposed brevity, seems to affirm the aphorism’s original meaning: be intelligently succinct” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 August 2019 What of Twitter? “Brevity is the soul of wit,” Shakespeare’s Polonius says, issuing the...
YouTube “…some magical place where a total lack of any discernible talent or intelligence or interpersonal skills had never interfered with anyone’s success” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 April 2019 When it finally sunk in that I’m not the next Nabokov, I got pretty...
EMail “Email is not a technical problem. It’s a people problem. And you can’t fix people.” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 March 2019 You can seek to impose order on your inbox all you like – but...
EMail, Work “Not answering emails today is like refusing to take phone calls in the 1990s or ignoring letters in the 1950s” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 March 2019 Spending hours a day answering emails can stand in the way of getting other...
Internet, Journalism, News Media, Newspapers, Websites “…journalism, as a field, is as addled as an addict, gaunt, wasted, and twitchy, its pockets as empty as its nights are sleepless” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 February 2019 In the past half century, and especially in the past two decades, journalism itself—the...
Internet, Semantics, Social Media “Pettiness often manifests itself as an outsize form of revenge — responding to mild slights by putting an absurd amount of energy into plotting meaningless reprisals” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 April 2018 Pettiness often manifests itself as an outsize form of revenge — responding to mild...
Internet “Anxieties about the internet began to feel more rote and less plausible, in no small part because the internet had disappeared as a distinct place” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 April 2018 In the coming years, as most of America got online, some variation on the...
Facebook “If you feel that these media influence and inform public opinion – and swing elections! – then abandoning Facebook and deleting your account may actually be civically irresponsible” Author Drew Kaplan Date 9 April 2018 1. FB promised to be and, in many ways, has become a new public...
Internet “As the internet of 2017 has changed, so has the internet user” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 March 2018 As the internet of 2017 has changed, so has the internet user. We are...
Internet “Paradoxically, framing the internet as a text to be read, not a life to be led, tends to break, without effort, its spell” Author Drew Kaplan Date 19 March 2018 Looking at a screen is not living. It’s a concentrated decoding operation that requires...