Beer “The history of various forms beverages offers a window into both the human condition and how our culture fulfills this basic biological need” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 October 2016 Every nuance to what we taste and smell has a story behind it, stories...
Beer, Writing “The book elevated beer journalism as a subject…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 September 2016 Michael Jackson was known as the Bard of Beer for his keen wit and...
Beer “The Anglo-culture invasion exemplified by the Beatles U.S. tour in 1964 could also be felt in American brewing” Author Drew Kaplan Date 23 August 2016 The Anglo-culture invasion exemplified by the Beatles U.S. tour in 1964 could also be...
Beer “Sierra Nevada has never resorted to the practice of contract brewing as Boston Beer utilized upon opening in 1985. Sierra Nevada’s growth in the modern beer market, without utilizing other brewers to produce their beer, a limited marketing budget, and remaining a family owned business since opening nearly 35 years ago is impressive” Author Drew Kaplan Date 30 June 2016 While Apple, Starbucks, and Sierra Nevada Brewing have grown into multinational businesses, they desire...
Beer, California “Known now as ‘The Bates Bill’, the new law allowed the explosive growth of microbreweries and brewpubs, first throughout California…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 May 2016 In 1983, the California state legislature successfully passed Assembly Bill 3610, amending Section 23357...
Beer, California “The climate of California made it ready for the growth of craft brewing” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 April 2016 As the first years of craft brewing progressed, there was little reason to think...
Beer “The popularity of West Coast-styled hoppy and bitter India Pale Ales does not follow the common assumption humans prefer sweet flavors and dislike bitter” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 April 2016 The popularity of West Coast-styled hoppy and bitter India Pale Ales does not follow...
Beer “The ability to brew the same beer, every day of the year, across the nation is truly a remarkable feat. It is the culmination of hundreds of years of American brewing heritage” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 April 2016 Brewing is both a science and an art. To make an excellent beer, a...
Beer “The continued success of the craft brewing industry hinges upon the production of consistent and flavorful beers…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 March 2016 The continued success of the craft brewing industry hinges upon the production of consistent...
Beer “…change that craft beer has created for the American beer drinker is the revitalization of public and communal drinking” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 March 2016 The second change that craft beer has created for the American beer drinker is...