Jewish Community “I think the purpose of Jewish journalism is to probe and investigate and analyze Jewish identity” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 March 2017 Too many people think that the purpose of Jewish journalism is to strengthen Jewish...
Jews in America, Zionism “The problem with the Golden Age of American Zionism was that for far too many Jews, support for Israel became a vicarious faith…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 23 November 2016 The problem with the Golden Age of American Zionism was that for far too...
Internet “The Internet allows those who deviate from traditional Judaism and who have multiple subcultural identities or labels to have a voice” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 October 2016 The emergence of new Jewish subcultures seems to be growing at a rapid pace...
Jewish “…Ozick, however fierce her identification as a Jew, is admirable in her freedom from identitarian parti pris” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 August 2016 Ozick the channeler of the literary past may seem remote from our present literary...
Jewish “Vicarious victimhood has become all too accepted as the organizing category’ of 21st-century Jewish identity” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 February 2016 Vicarious victimhood has become all too accepted as the “organizing category” of 21st-century Jewish...
Jews in America “We understandably become so preoccupied with Jew hatred…that we’ve forgotten to explore what we actually are” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 June 2015 Anti-Semitism is undeniably on campuses — even at some elementary schools — and along...
Jewish “It is as an individual that I am moved by an anxiety for the meaning of my existence as a Jew” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 May 2015 It is as an individual that I am moved by an anxiety for the...
Israel “…for most of the Jewish public in Israel, Jewish identity…is a fundamental, central, and irreplaceable component in any worldview or aspiration for the future” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 April 2015 …unless there is a change of consciousness of Marxist proportions among the Israeli people,...
Jewish, Zionism “So while many Zionists often relate to the Jewish people as an object with a problem…, I relate to my people as a subject with desires” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 March 2015 I honestly don’t feel myself motivated by Jewish suffering so much as by what...
Jews in America “The aspects of secular Jewish culture that America has embraced are barely Jewish anymore…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 March 2015 …as Jews have moved fully into the cultural mainstream, it’s become harder to identify...