Literature “Britain’s pagan religions and the stories that form their liturgy never really disappeared…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 April 2016 Britain’s pagan religions and the stories that form their liturgy never really disappeared, the...
Literature “Landscape matters: Britain’s antique countryside…lends itself to fairy-tale invention. … America’s mighty vistas, by contrast, are less cozy, less human-scaled, and less haunted” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 February 2016 Landscape matters: Britain’s antique countryside, strewn with moldering castles and cozy farms, lends itself...
Literature “It turns out that fantasy – the established domain of British children’s literature – is critical to childhood development” Author Drew Kaplan Date 19 February 2016 It turns out that fantasy – the established domain of British children’s literature –...
America, Literature “Popular storytelling in the New World instead tended to celebrate in words and song the larger-than-life exploits of ordinary men and women” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 February 2016 Popular storytelling in the New World instead tended to celebrate in words and song...
Literature “American fantasies differ in another way: They usually end with a moral lesson learned…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 January 2016 …the British have always been in touch with their pagan folklore, says Maria Tatar,...
America, Great Britain, Literature “If British children gathered in the glow of the kitchen hearth to hear stories about magic swords and talking bears, American children sat at their mother’s knee listening to tales larded with moral messages…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 January 2016 If Harry Potter and Huckleberry Finn were each to represent British versus American children’s...