IDF, Israel “The ‘most moral army in the world’ talking point is both substantively and tactically foolish, it convinces nobody…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 April 2018 The IDF is not the most moral army in the world, because there is...
IDF, Israel “No other country uses roof-knocks, a munition developed by Israel as part of a series of I.D.F. warning procedures…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 July 2015 The report acknowledges that Israel took steps to warn of imminent attacks but suggests...
Israel “The uniform of a senior officer, like the robe of a judge, is a symbol that the officer is acting on behalf of the national interest…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 January 2015 …the more senior a commander, the greater the obligation to conceal his or her...
Israel “…to many Jews an infantalization of the soldiers has crept into perceptions, that [IDF] soldiers, fresh out of high school, remain child-like” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 October 2014 One constant in almost all the informal wartime appeals was the fear that the...