Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy “…if the criticisms of Rabbi Gordimer and others were offered on a basis of friendship and common purpose, …” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 June 2016 I have no difficulty if someone wants to criticize, even sharply, Open Orthodox writers,...
Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy “…if the point of all the criticism of Open Orthodoxy is the protection of authentic Judaism by countering the distortions on the left, then shouldn’t the distortions on the right also be countered?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 May 2016 …if the point of all the criticism of Open Orthodoxy is the protection of...
Orthodoxy “How come he criticizes Open Orthodox figures for their liberal Zionism, but never says a word of criticism about the anti-Zionism found in Satmar and other haredi groups?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 April 2016 Rabbi Gordimer gives us a continuing list of controversial statements from people identified with...
Modern Orthodoxy “Modern Orthodoxy’s right wing must step up and join the real conversation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 30 March 2016 Modern Orthodoxy’s right wing must step up and join the real conversation. The questions...
Orthodoxy “…it is important for the halakhic community to understand that there needs to be different paths for different people…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 March 2016 …it is important for the halakhic community to understand that there needs to be...
Orthodoxy “If the accusation of heresy is bandied about constantly, with flimsy basis…, then it will lose any sort of meaning” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 March 2016 I worry that the constant misrepresentation of the boundaries of heresy, such that the...
Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy “Alas it is the centrists who always suffer the most in these battles” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 March 2016 …one sad consequence of this schism and the internecine fighting leading up to it,...
Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy “…we must recognize there is a lot of good in all camps and we should support positive developments no matter where they originate” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 March 2016 As noted already, Rabbi Gordimer is an avid reader of Open Orthodox writings. In...
Halakhah, Haredim/Haredi-ism, Modern Orthodoxy “For Rabbi Gordimer, all poskim share the same ‘process’. Not only is this historically incorrect, it isn’t even ‘doctrine'” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 February 2016 Rabbi Gordimer claims that there is no such thing as Modern Orthodox pesak, and...
Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy “…if there wasn’t an Open Orthodoxy to kick around, YU and Modern Orthodoxy would once again be the focus” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 February 2016 This obsession with the Open Orthodox reminds me of how in earlier centuries Christian...