Israel, Middle East, Syria “It’s clearly not in Israel’s interest that an additional million radicalized Sunnis show up in Jordan” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 January 2016 Israel and, more importantly, Israelis, demonstrated consistent unease over the destabilizing consequences of the...
America, Jews in America “Jewish Americans have a halakhic obligation to support a wise Syrian refugee immigration policy, but the specifics of what that would be?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 January 2016 Jewish Americans have a halakhic obligation to support a wise policy, but the specifics...
Europe, Middle East “One of the prime reasons for the wave of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers washing into Europe is the deterioration of the conditions that Syrians face in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, a worsening largely caused by sharp falls in international funding from United Nations countries” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 November 2015 One of the prime reasons for the wave of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers...