Races in America “For poor and working-class whites, skin color no longer feels like an implicit guarantor of privilege” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 August 2016 For poor and working-class whites, skin color no longer feels like an implicit guarantor...
Races in America “Telling someone to ‘check their privilege’ can be a means to discredit different opinions merely because people who express them belong to a certain racial category” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 August 2016 “White privilege” is too broad a term. It lumps a white Walmart employee with...
Races in America “…there is, indeed, a distinct White Privilege. Being white does offer a freedom not easily available to others” Author Drew Kaplan Date 26 March 2015 …there is, indeed, a distinct White Privilege. Being white does offer a freedom not...
Races in America “In a society where racism is treated as morally equivalent to pedophilia, what whites are seeking is the sweet relief of moral absolution” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 March 2015 In a society where racism is treated as morally equivalent to pedophilia, what whites...
Races in America “If the idea is that black people cannot solve their problems short of white people developing an exquisite sensitivity to how privileged they are, then we in the black community are being designated as disabled poster children” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 March 2015 I assume, for example, that the idea is not to teach white people that...