Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy, YCT “Over the past generation new institutions…have emerged as counterweights to the rightward and isolationist drift within Orthodoxy” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 August 2015 Over the past generation new institutions — Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, Yeshivat Maharat, JOFA and...
Haredim/Haredi-ism, Lubavicher Hasidim, Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy, YCT “Ironically, from a professional perspective the liberal YCT rabbi actually has more in common with Haredi outreach-oriented figures than the inreach focused RIETS graduates” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 August 2015 Ironically, from a professional perspective the liberal YCT rabbi actually has more in common...
Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy, YCT “…it is problematic to assume that individuals, even if they share a willingness to stretch the boundaries of Orthodoxy, form part of a common accommodative camp…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 November 2014 In sum, it is problematic to assume that individuals, even if they share a...