“It also seems clear that Trump has a weird problem with admitting error”

It also seems clear that Trump has a weird problem with admitting error. Confronted with his past statements about climate and debt, Trump just pretended he never said them. Confronted with his lack of past statements opposing the invasion of Iraq, he concocted a bizarre story about having opposed the war in secret phone conversations with the conservative pundit Sean Hannity. He admitted no error in the Obama birth certificate imbroglio and closed the debate pursuing a years-old feud with comedian Rosie O’Donnell rather than apologizing for past intemperate language about women.

Matthew Yglesias, “Donald Trump’s first presidential debate confirmed he has no idea what he’s talking about”, Vox (27 September 2016) [http://www.vox.com/2016/9/26/13066698/trump-debate-trade-fact-check]