America, Politics in America “To believe that Presidents can do anything they like is to give up on self-government” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 April 2021 In 1787, the delegates in Philadelphia narrowed their list down to “Treason & bribery,...
England, Politics in America “all but one of England’s original thirteen American colonies had been founded before impeachment went out of style” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 April 2021 The Englishman responsible for bringing the ancient practice of impeachment back into use was...
America, Politics in America, Races in America “Had observers better grasped white anxieties unleashed by the growth of America’s nonwhite population and the two-term Presidency of Barack Obama, Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 would have come as no surprise” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 August 2020 Twenty years after Myrdal published his report, and five years after King travelled to...
Politics in America “…there are ultimately four characteristics in candidates that I think drive our perceptions and our decisions…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 March 2020 I think there are ultimately four characteristics in candidates that I think drive our...
Halakhah, Jewish, Politics in America “When you vote, you hopefully evaluate the full gamut of issues and discover that on some issues one party’s views are more in accordance with Torah and on others it is the other party’s, and often neither are” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 December 2019 I understand that we have both College Democrats and College Republicans chapters on our...
Politics in America “The reality of this primary process is that if you aren’t on the stage in Houston next week, you aren’t going to be the Democratic nominee” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 September 2019 …the 10 men and women not on the stage will argue that the Democratic...
America, Israel, Politics in America, Politics in Israel “There are really important arenas…where the comparisons between these two countries need to be interrogated, and where deep work has to take place in order to ensure that the two societies are not reinforcing each others’ weaknesses” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 February 2019 There are really important arenas – ideological trends like the rise of nationalism and...
Politics in America “Trump’s assault on the premises of democracy is not only unique in modern American history but unique in the annals of modern liberal democracy” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 October 2018 Trump’s assault on the premises of democracy is not only unique in modern American...
Politics in America “Mr. Bush left many voters on the right angry, resentful and suspicious — of war, of policy, of ideology, of the very idea of political solutions and leadership” Author Drew Kaplan Date 26 March 2018 There is always some space between a party’s voters and its leaders, some difference...
Politics in America “For evangelicals, voting in the macro is the moral thing to do, even if the candidate is morally flawed” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 March 2018 Does Mr. Trump have moral failings? Yes. Critics will suggest a hypocrisy coming from...