Rabbinic Literature “Why did the rabbis in the early period (for the most part) divide people based on righteousness and virtue, and in the later period based on ethnicity?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 April 2021 Why did the rabbis in the early period (for the most part) divide people...
Babylonian Talmud, Rabbinic Literature “No talmudic discussion regards the recitation of [the Song of the Day] as anything other than temple practice” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 February 2021 …the daily Levitical songs (Pss 24, 48, 82, 94, 81, 93, 92) as recorded...
Mishnah, Tannaitic Literature “The term ma’aseh is the intrusion of real life events into the largely theoretical in hypothetical discourse of the Mishnah” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 February 2020 The term ma’aseh is the intrusion of real life events into the largely theoretical...
Scholarship “Unparallel parallels which feed a partisan ego scarcely represent good scholarship…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 March 2018 Unparallel parallels which feed a partisan ego scarcely represent good scholarship, whether the dabblers...
Archaeology, Scholarship “…archeologists of late antiquity should not just naively stuff mishnayot in their rucksacks…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 March 2018 …archeologists of late antiquity should not just naively stuff mishnayot in their rucksacks to...
Rabbinic Literature “Rabbinic and Roman texts create the impression of a clear dichotomy between slaves and free people…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 March 2018 Rabbinic and Roman texts create the impression of a clear dichotomy between slaves and...
Rabbinic Literature, Talmudic Sages “For the rabbis, breastfeeding offers a fascinating set of variables for academic investigation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 August 2017 For the rabbis, breastfeeding offers a fascinating set of variables for academic investigation. First,...
Bible, Judaism, Menstrual Impurity, Rabbinic Literature, Tannaim, Tannaitic Literature “In addition to the biblical distinction between normal and abnormal discharges, the rabbis developed two more categories…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 June 2017 Leviticus 15 is concerned with normal and abnormal, male and female genital discharges. As...
Amoraim, Babylonian Talmud, Judaism “The practice of waiting seven blood-free days following the end of a regular menstrual period is variously described in the Talmud as heḥemiru al atzman, minhaga, and halakhah pesukah, indicating that a variety of attitudes existed as to the severity of the requirement” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 June 2017 Zimmerman is correct in saying that a seven-day wait after any bleeding has become...
Babylonian Talmud, Judaism, Rabbinic Literature “…the true Jewish ethos of modesty does not exclusively pertain to sexuality…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 February 2017 The topic of “tzniut” or “modesty” has recently become a prominent point of discussion...