Politics in America “…accusations of ‘virtue signaling’ are, more than anything, a way of walking out on that argument and dismissing it altogether…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 September 2017 …accusations of “virtue signaling” are, more than anything, a way of walking out on...
Politics in America “Fetishizing civility has a way of elevating style over substance” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 September 2017 Fetishizing civility has a way of elevating style over substance. Richard Spencer, the white...
Politics in America “When did our national discourse become so consumed with the state of our national discourse?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 September 2017 When did our national discourse become so consumed with the state of our national...
America, Politics in America “Not long ago in America, there was a widespread belief that some things were good for everyone” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 July 2017 Not long ago in America, there was a widespread belief that some things were...
Journalism “We need to talk about the real ‘problem with the discourse’, which is the cheap culture of false equivalency and its exploitation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 May 2017 We need to talk about the real “problem with the discourse”, which is the...
Culture, Semantics Teenagers’ “speech is the site of rebellion, and their slang provides shelter from adult scrutiny” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 June 2015 Teenagers may not be able to drive or vote or stay out past curfew...
Uncategorized “Once you designate some spaces as safe, you imply that the rest are unsafe” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 May 2015 Some people trace safe spaces back to the feminist consciousness-raising groups of the 1960s...
University “…while keeping college-level discussions “safe” may feel good to the hypersensitive, it’s bad for them and for everyone else” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 May 2015 …while keeping college-level discussions “safe” may feel good to the hypersensitive, it’s bad for...