I contend that schism will lead to disaster and eventual oblivion for both sides. The “right” will lose its desire and capacity to engage seriously with modernity, and the “left” will lose its commitment to and capacity for rigorous halakhic analysis. The “right” will come to reject any notion that halakhic decisions can be held accountable to ethics in any way, and the “left” will cease to see any value in genuine halakhic deliberation on ethical issues.
To prevent this, both left and right must take active steps to prioritize their confluent mainstreams over their dueling extremes, while at the same time seeking to keep those extremes within the same community to the extent possible.
Rabbi Aryeh Klapper, “How to Hold Modern Orthodoxy Together: A Detailed Prescription”, moderntoraleadership (22 December 2015) [https://moderntoraleadership.wordpress.com/2015/12/22/how-to-hold-modern-orthodoxy-together-a-detailed-prescription/]