Halakhah “…the question of whether halakhah excludes women from holding specific roles or offices” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 May 2016 …the question of whether halakhah excludes women from holding specific roles or offices. From...
Uncategorized “There are two roads to homogeneity. One is totalitarianism/Nimrodism…. The other is pluralism/ Canaanism….” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 January 2016 There are two roads to homogeneity. One is totalitarianism/Nimrodism, which gives absolute value to...
Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy “…schism will lead to disaster and eventual oblivion for both sides” in Modern Orthodoxy Author Drew Kaplan Date 23 December 2015 I contend that schism will lead to disaster and eventual oblivion for both sides....
Modern Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy “For much of 2015, every effort was made, on both sides, to send American Modern Orthodoxy into schism and compel the formation of a separate denomination called Open Orthodoxy” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 December 2015 For much of 2015, every effort was made, on both sides, to send American...
Jewish, Jews, Modern Orthodoxy “…it’s vital to the definition of a Torah community that we think that knowing more Torah, in some way, privileges you in a values conversation…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 July 2015 I think, in a Torah community, it’s vital to the definition of a Torah...
Modern Orthodoxy “There is no real reason for Modern Orthodoxy to be, in any way, connected to Brisk” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 June 2015 There is no real reason for Modern Orthodoxy to be, in any way, connected...