America, Politics in America “To believe that Presidents can do anything they like is to give up on self-government” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 April 2021 In 1787, the delegates in Philadelphia narrowed their list down to “Treason & bribery,...
Journalism, Politics in America “The American two-party system is a creation of the press” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 February 2016 The American two-party system is a creation of the press. “The idea of a...
America, Politics in America “…Prohibition was not a farce but a tragedy, and one that has made a substantial contribution to our current miseries” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 January 2016 The Prohibition Party, as it was called, never became a major electoral force. But...
Jewish, Marriage “If the only thing mandating a civil marriage is a couple’s religious beliefs, then there is a serious Constitutional problem on both the 1st and 14th amendments” Author Drew Kaplan Date 1 July 2014 …If the only thing mandating a civil marriage is a couple’s religious beliefs, then...