EMail, Work “Not answering emails today is like refusing to take phone calls in the 1990s or ignoring letters in the 1950s” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 March 2019 Spending hours a day answering emails can stand in the way of getting other...
Jobs/Professions, Work “There’s more to life than whether you got this job or that fellowship” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 August 2016 It’s important for people to establish a sense of their own value beyond some...
Jobs/Professions, Work “Having a title in front of your name is important, but it does not mean you have a career” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 July 2016 Having a title in front of your name is important, but it does not...
Jobs/Professions, Work “One thing I encourage people to think about is to look not just at the company, but look at the specific person you’re going to be working for” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 May 2016 One thing I encourage people to think about is to look not just at...
Uncategorized “To label something a profession means to define the ways in which it is more than just a job” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 September 2015 To label something a profession means to define the ways in which it is...