Movies “A sequel like last May’s ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron,’ from Marvel, is less a self-contained film than a loose amalgam of ongoing stories” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 March 2016 A sequel like last May’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” from Marvel, is less a...
Movies, Star Wars “Disney owns the three biggest storytelling platforms in the world. … They push our wonder buttons, but like all good stories, they are also fountains of potential interpretation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 February 2016 Disney owns the three biggest storytelling platforms in the world. They own Star Wars,...
Movies “Members of the Marvel security team on the set spoke of ‘bloggers’ the way Dick Cheney once invoked a ‘global terror network'” Author Drew Kaplan Date 23 August 2015 Members of the Marvel security team on the set spoke of ‘‘bloggers’’ the way...