Art, Entertainment, Movies “Like the ancients, we experience far more than we understand” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 May 2018 …we denizens of the third millennium ce make constant recourse to specialists whose art has no...
Internet, Social Media, Technology Considering vertical vs horizontal perspectives Author Drew Kaplan Date 11 September 2017 Before 1930, moving picture aspect ratios were all over the place. But mass distribution...
Movies “Back before Buffy and Katniss, Besson was one of the only directors championing stories with women as action leads” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 August 2017 Back before Buffy and Katniss, Besson was one of the only directors championing stories...
Movies Disney “usually does not return to classic characters in a willy-nilly manner” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 March 2017 Hollywood loves to revisit hits in ways that can be maddening — oh, that...
Movies, Star Wars “…George Lucas crafted a saga that is endlessly fascinating and worthy of repeated viewings” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 January 2017 Star Wars has always been about the unknown and the unknowable, the instinct to...
Movies, Star Wars “Star Wars intentionally challenged an audience who had no idea what they were getting themselves into” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 January 2017 Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Star Wars used to just be one movie....
Movies, Star Wars “For A New Hope, the crew scavenged interesting- looking spare parts from model kits and junkyards to make the ships and vehicles” Author Drew Kaplan Date 1 April 2016 For A New Hope, the crew scavenged interesting-looking spare parts from model kits and...
Movies “At the moment that our foundational religious stories began to echo too distantly in the past, a new storytelling rose to supplement what time threatened to take from us” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 March 2016 Hollywood is not only a fun factory of vapid entertainment. At times, Hollywood plays...
Movies “A sequel like last May’s ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron,’ from Marvel, is less a self-contained film than a loose amalgam of ongoing stories” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 March 2016 A sequel like last May’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” from Marvel, is less a...
Movies, Star Wars “Disney owns the three biggest storytelling platforms in the world. … They push our wonder buttons, but like all good stories, they are also fountains of potential interpretation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 February 2016 Disney owns the three biggest storytelling platforms in the world. They own Star Wars,...