Menstrual Impurity, Talmud “Rabbi Zera merely describes a stringent practice which Babylonian Jewish women had taken upon themselves” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 April 2018 This term, first used by medieval commentators (see Zimmerman, p. 27, note 6), is,...
Bible, Judaism, Menstrual Impurity, Rabbinic Literature, Tannaim, Tannaitic Literature “In addition to the biblical distinction between normal and abnormal discharges, the rabbis developed two more categories…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 June 2017 Leviticus 15 is concerned with normal and abnormal, male and female genital discharges. As...
Amoraim, Babylonian Talmud, Judaism “The practice of waiting seven blood-free days following the end of a regular menstrual period is variously described in the Talmud as heḥemiru al atzman, minhaga, and halakhah pesukah, indicating that a variety of attitudes existed as to the severity of the requirement” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 June 2017 Zimmerman is correct in saying that a seven-day wait after any bleeding has become...
Christianity “Should the menstrual prohibition be kept literally by Christians?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 December 2014 Should the menstrual prohibition be kept literally by Christians? Medieval Christian authors often argued...
Talmud “The attempt to locate menstruation in the mythical beginnings of humankind is…a peculiarly Babylonian development” Author Drew Kaplan Date 26 August 2014 In contemporary English slang, menstruation is sometimes referred to as “The Curse.” Interestingly, the...