Jewish Community, Jewish Organizations, Synagogues “The legacy rabbinate and top-heavy institutions are not sustainable in the long term” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 March 2018 Religious leaders have no right to complain about intermarriage rates in the US when...
Jewish Community “These questions are at the heart of a data-driven, performance-based culture, one that is only beginning to permeate Jewish life” Author Drew Kaplan Date 31 January 2017 “How are we doing?” and “How can we do better?” These questions are at...
Jewish Community “The once-concentric circles of your Jewish community and your social justice community are now more like Venn diagrams with an ever-receding area of commonality” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 May 2016 We’ve told you that there are organizations where you can find your people, people...
Jewish Community, Jewish Federations “This rise of the individual comes, for better and for worse, with a weakening of large, centralized institutions” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 February 2016 Ongoing social, technological and political shifts should prompt us to embrace a culture of...
Jewish Community, Jewish Organizations “…that Jewish world doesn’t take enough risks. Professionals are scared of the rebuke of the lay people” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 December 2015 To Mr. Bronfman and every other member of self-declared Jewish royalty: Chabad doesn’t have...