Twitter “Twitter, in its imposed brevity, seems to affirm the aphorism’s original meaning: be intelligently succinct” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 August 2019 What of Twitter? “Brevity is the soul of wit,” Shakespeare’s Polonius says, issuing the...
Internet, Semantics, Social Media “Pettiness often manifests itself as an outsize form of revenge — responding to mild slights by putting an absurd amount of energy into plotting meaningless reprisals” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 April 2018 Pettiness often manifests itself as an outsize form of revenge — responding to mild...
Internet “As the internet of 2017 has changed, so has the internet user” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 March 2018 As the internet of 2017 has changed, so has the internet user. We are...
Social Media, Twitter “The value of sweating the small stuff, it turns out, depends quite a lot on how much power you have to affect the big stuff” Author Drew Kaplan Date 2 March 2018 It would be easy to assume, surveying the national scene, that pettiness is universally...
Internet, Social Media, Technology Considering vertical vs horizontal perspectives Author Drew Kaplan Date 11 September 2017 Before 1930, moving picture aspect ratios were all over the place. But mass distribution...
Internet “…the platforms most flamboyantly dedicated to a borrowed idea of free speech and assembly are the same ones that have struggled most intensely with groups of users who seek to organize and disrupt their platforms” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 September 2017 It is worth noting that the platforms most flamboyantly dedicated to a borrowed idea...
Facebook, Social Media, Twitter “Social platforms tend to refer to their customers in euphemistic, almost democratic terms…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 September 2017 Social platforms tend to refer to their customers in euphemistic, almost democratic terms: as...
Anti-Semitism, Social Media “I doubt there has been an increase in anti-Semitism as much as there has been an increase in the permissibility of the expressions of anti-Semitism and its amplification by the tools of social media” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 April 2017 I doubt there has been an increase in anti-Semitism as much as there has...
Social Media “…the most significant way in which the Islamic State has exhibited its media savviness has been through its embrace of openness” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 March 2017 …the most significant way in which the Islamic State has exhibited its media savviness...
Islamic State, Middle East, Social Media “If the West really wants to destroy the Islamic State’s ‘deceptive media halo’, we need to take a page from them and foster our own forms of crowdsourced messages” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 January 2017 If the West really wants to destroy the Islamic State’s “deceptive media halo,” we...