Politics in America “…if you think a little thing like losing a general election will dispose of Ted Cruz’s ambitions, you don’t know Ted Cruz” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 May 2016 Unloved, unattractive, a Simpsons-quoting nerd still chasing the teenage dream of world domination, the...
Politics in America “With Cruz, though, even the most fervent peroration always feels like a debater’s patter, an advocate’s brief…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 9 May 2016 Enough, for one week at least, about the strange victories of Donald Trump. Let’s...
Politics in America “It was clear to me weeks ago, even before Marco Rubio threw in the towel, that the G.O.P. was getting ready to cuddle with Ted Cruz” Author Drew Kaplan Date 1 May 2016 It was clear to me weeks ago, even before Marco Rubio threw in the...
Politics in America “Cruz has proceeded with several fingers in the wind; every time the conservative mood has shifted even a little, he’s shifted quickly too” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 April 2016 While his fellow Tea Party senators, from Paul to Rubio to Utah’s Mike Lee,...
Politics in America “Cruz is the pinup for pessimistic times” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 April 2016 Cruz is the pinup for pessimistic times. Even John McCain, who once dismissed him...
Politics in America “Cruz has gone from the insufferable nemesis of Republican traditionalists to their last, best hope…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 7 April 2016 Cruz has gone from the insufferable nemesis of Republican traditionalists to their last, best...
Politics in America “…many of the Republicans in a faux swoon for the far-right loon don’t really want to see him fly all the way to the White House — or, for that matter, to the nomination” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 April 2016 …many of the Republicans in a faux swoon for the far-right loon don’t really...
Politics in America “The three celebrity outsiders continued to wrap the thinnest evidence of their ability to do the job in the gaudiest self-assurance” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 December 2015 The three celebrity outsiders continued to wrap the thinnest evidence of their ability to...