Beer, Writing “To be effective, critical coverage of “bad” beer needs to be well-considered and constructive…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 March 2018 To be effective, critical coverage of “bad” beer needs to be well-considered and constructive,...
Technology, Writing “A decade or so into the ubiquity of smartphones, our writing about them has yet to mature” Author Drew Kaplan Date 27 March 2017 A decade or so into the ubiquity of smartphones, our writing about them has...
Beer, Writing “The book elevated beer journalism as a subject…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 September 2016 Michael Jackson was known as the Bard of Beer for his keen wit and...
Jobs/Professions, Travel, Work, Writing “Writers and travellers alike do their best work when they don’t know what they’re looking for…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 14 February 2016 Writers and travellers alike do their best work when they don’t know what they’re...
Writing “Those…who write about religion are doomed to live with the knowledge that we can describe everything about it…except for that core feeling…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 January 2016 Those of us who write about religion are doomed to live with the knowledge...
Writing “…remove words in such a manner that no one would notice that anything has been removed” Author Drew Kaplan Date 29 November 2015 …remove words in such a manner that no one would notice that anything has...
Beer, Journalism “As a culture that purportedly appreciates truth and honesty, the old world of quality journalism seems more important than ever” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 October 2015 We often hear that we’re living in a new age of journalism, that Millennials...
Writing “Creative nonfiction is not making something up but making the most of what you have” Author Drew Kaplan Date 19 October 2015 Creative nonfiction is a term that is currently having its day. When I was...
Beer, Writing “The lack of a fair wage also leads many beer writers to take outside work as brand consultants or public relations agents and consultants” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 October 2015 Information is great, quality stories even better. But readers require context. In an age...
Writing “Factual writing is also a kind of treasure hunt, and when the nuggets come along you know what they are” Author Drew Kaplan Date 11 October 2015 In interviews, I scribble and scribble, gathering impressions, observations, information, and quotes, but not...