Books “The plague novel is the place where all human beings abandon all other human beings” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 April 2020 The structure of the modern plague novel, all the way to Stephen King’s “The...
Books “the existence of books, no matter how grim the tale, is itself a sign, evidence that humanity endures, in the very contagion of reading” Author Drew Kaplan Date 6 April 2020 In the long centuries during which the plague ravaged Europe, the quarantined, if they...
Jewish Books “Nudity in art was not ubiquitous in Eretz Yisrael and America, and it is not surprising that we woke up in the 20th century in American and EY and found these things surprising” Author Drew Kaplan Date 27 October 2015 In response to the email from the Lakewood scholar, S. commented as follows: Another...
Books, Internet “Reading on-screen tempts us to see things only through the pinhole of our immediate curiosity” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 August 2015 Reading on-screen tempts us to see things only through the pinhole of our immediate...
Talmud “The irony of…should be a warning against assuming any kind of simple binary division between resistance and imitation of colonial cultures” Author Drew Kaplan Date 14 July 2015 The irony of finding a deeply Hellenized concept of gender at the very heart...
Star Wars “…in the Clone Wars, even the soldiers on both sides were manufactured goods. The Republic and the Confederacy had been partners in the same corrupt game.” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 July 2015 The Clone Wars were yet another thing to be upset about. Everything about that...
Books, Sex “…men exist in a state of perpetual confusion about when, exactly, human females are receptive to the idea of having sex” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 February 2015 What it tells us is this: Women are interested in sex. This may be...
Books, Movies, Sex “…the landscape in which “Fifty Shades of Grey” has found its audience, with a story almost perfectly suited to this dream: A fantasy of being…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 February 2015 …our sexual egalitarians don’t want to shut down the party or end the bacchanal....
Halakhic Books/Works/Writings, Modern Orthodoxy “A Guide to the Complex is, therefore, such a helpful model for what Modern Orthodox halakhah can be….” Author Drew Kaplan Date 31 December 2014 A Guide to the Complex is, therefore, such a helpful model for what Modern...
Books “there’s something miraculous about books that stops me from tossing them in the garbage” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 July 2014 hysical books — the creepy retronym for the objects formerly known just as books...