Family, Marriage, Parenthood “Our kids should never be more important than our marriage, and they should never be less important” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 June 2017 Our kids should never be more important than our marriage, and they should never...
Marriage, Orthodoxy, Sex “Young Orthodox men and women today come into marriage confused” Author Drew Kaplan Date 13 June 2017 Young Orthodox men and women today come into marriage confused. Sexual images pervade their...
Haredim/Haredi-ism, Marriage “…there is no such concept [of “falling in love”] in the haredi world” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 January 2017 …there is no such concept in the haredi world (and...
Marriage, Sex “…I think that having a good sex life is often very much entwined with having a certain level of intimacy in the marriage…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 September 2016 I want to sort of debunk a myth. I think people assume that, when...
Marriage “…I don’t think that the reasons offered by medieval authorities operating in a completely different environment can determine what modern women will regard as “deal-breakers” when it comes to marriage” Author Drew Kaplan Date 11 July 2016 Since people’s psychology has changed over the centuries, I don’t think that the reasons...
Reform Judaism “Today, half of all married Reform Jews have non-Jewish spouses, and 80 percent of those who married between 2000 and 2013 wed non-Jewish spouses” Author Drew Kaplan Date 17 November 2015 Today, half of all married Reform Jews have non-Jewish spouses, and 80 percent of...
Marriage, Marriage, Modern Orthodoxy “Continuity is not an end in itself, but a culture’s purpose is not to be an ephemeral work of performance art” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 November 2015 Marriage in the classical sense is a commitment to sustainability. Continuity is not an...
Marriage, Politics in America “Dignity is a rather elusive and malleable concept compared with more concrete qualities such as race and sex” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 July 2015 Dignity is a rather elusive and malleable concept compared with more concrete qualities such...
Family, Marriage “The most frequent dynamic I encounter among straight people, both in pop culture and in couples I know, is that of the annoyed wife and the clueless husband” Author Drew Kaplan Date 20 July 2015 The most frequent dynamic I encounter among straight people, both in pop culture and...
Marriage “…those of us who have buried a beloved spouse never stop grieving for our loss” Author Drew Kaplan Date 14 June 2015 Among the many popular misconceptions about grief and its trajectory, one that particularly rankles...