Scholarship “Unparallel parallels which feed a partisan ego scarcely represent good scholarship…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 March 2018 Unparallel parallels which feed a partisan ego scarcely represent good scholarship, whether the dabblers...
New Testament, Rabbinic Literature “A careful reader of the Gospel is able to uncover the author’s motives and intentions while at the same time making connections between the images in the Gospel with other images, or ‘truths’, presented in the Talmudic ‘library'” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 February 2017 True storytellers never tell, they show. Michael Riffaterre uses the concept of “fictional truth”...
Scholarship “When a New Testament scholar provides evidence that the Judaism of the dual Torah…flourished in the early decades of the first century in Galilee, then…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 November 2016 When a New Testament scholar provides evidence that the Judaism of the dual Torah,...
New Testament, Scholarship, Talmud “…it is a fruitless quest to continue to try to find elusive rabbinic sources for everything which Paul wrote” Author Drew Kaplan Date 11 September 2016 In the case of Paul and the rabbis, let us assume that, at no...
Scholarship “I am only suggesting the lack of value in many value judgments, when these emerge from an acquaintance merely with excerpt instead of with the intent, and the nuances, of a literature” Author Drew Kaplan Date 22 August 2016 Rabbinists have sometimes assumed that a gospel pericope was lifted bodily from the Gemara....
Rabbis “R. Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik…wanted Christians to understand their scripture anew through sympathetic Jewish eyes and to educate his Jewish readers about their misunderstanding of Christianity” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 January 2016 R. Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik, the traditional rabbi from Lithuania…is actually more sympathetic to Christian...
New Testament “Most Jews fear to read the New Testament, and most Christians read the New Testament unaware it is permeated with Jewish ideas and images” Author Drew Kaplan Date 25 January 2015 Most Jews fear to read the New Testament, and most Christians read the New...
New Testament “…what the parables mean today is different from what they meant to the Jews who first heard them twenty-one centuries ago” Author Drew Kaplan Date 18 January 2015 The parables are among the most memorable aspects of Christian instruction. Ministers still preach...
New Testament “Perhaps what most strikes the naïve reader of the Book of Revelation is what a close-run thing the battle is…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 January 2015 Perhaps what most strikes the naïve reader of the Book of Revelation is what...
New Testament Considering the Parable of the Traveler Author Drew Kaplan Date 4 January 2015 According to the Torah, both the koheyn (priest) and the Levite were prohibited from...