Gender, Semantics “What gender critical feminism really amounts to is a baroque palace of rationalizations built on a foundation of pure disgust” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 April 2019 The term “gender critical” is really a euphemism recently created to replace TERF with...
Semantics “‘Weaponize’ was born in the 1950s as military jargon” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 April 2017 “Weaponize” was born in the 1950s as military jargon. It was an instantly comprehensible...
Semantics “‘A thing’…corresponds to a real need we have, to catalog and group together the items of cultural experience, while keeping them at a sufficient distance…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 21 June 2016 Clearly, cultural phenomena have long existed and been called “fads,” “trends,” “rages” or have...
Semantics, Sexual Assault/Rape “The preference for ‘survivor’ over ‘victim’ is a shift in language that is as much ideological as linguistic” Author Drew Kaplan Date 19 June 2016 The preference for “survivor” over “victim” is a shift in language that is as...
America “It’s hard to settle on why ‘thoughts and prayers’ is objectionable” Author Drew Kaplan Date 27 October 2015 The term’s saturation curve dates to the turn of the 21st century. Numerous ‘‘thoughts...
Politics in America, Semantics “Then politicians adopted “gotcha” and (being politicians) promptly stripped it of its fun. It became a marker of grievance, umbrage and exasperation” Author Drew Kaplan Date 9 August 2015 “Gotcha” — the collapsed form of “got you” — first appeared as a random...
Marriage, Semantics “Tradition changes over time and from culture to culture, and so commands a fraction of the authority of nature…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 June 2015 When marriage or certain sexual practices are described as “natural,” the word is being...
Semantics “So what are we really talking about when we talk about natural? It depends…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 31 May 2015 So what are we really talking about when we talk about natural? It depends;...
Semantics “…the term “whore” does not necessarily have to be misogynist, but it was in the context…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 27 May 2015 I should not have just called a whore. She’s a loathsome and awful...