Scholarship “There is often a tension between the quest for historical truth and the desire of communities of faith to pass on their religious message” Author Drew Kaplan Date 15 June 2015 There is often a tension between the quest for historical truth and the desire...
Marriage, Semantics “Tradition changes over time and from culture to culture, and so commands a fraction of the authority of nature…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 3 June 2015 When marriage or certain sexual practices are described as “natural,” the word is being...
Christianity “The sacraments are what make the church relevant, no matter the culture or era” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 May 2015 The sacraments are what make the church relevant, no matter the culture or era....
Millenials “Millennials ‘are not disillusioned with tradition; they are frustrated with slick or shallow expressions of religion'” Author Drew Kaplan Date 8 May 2015 For a generation bombarded with advertising and sales pitches, and for whom the charge...