Late Antiquity “The temporal and geographic core of Jewish ritual purity was Second Temple Jerusalem” Author Drew Kaplan Date 5 September 2017 The temporal and geographic core of Jewish ritual purity was Second Temple Jerusalem. Like...
Judaism, Late Antiquity, Religion “Universalist ideas were central to Jewish authors living in the Second Temple period…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 October 2016 Universalist ideas were central to Jewish authors living in the Second Temple period, and...
Judaism, Late Antiquity “… in the Second Temple period, Judaism was a petri dish of ideas that nurtured a pluralism which invited all people to worship the Jewish God” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 October 2016 We tend to think of the consecutive developments of Greek philosophy, normative Judaism, and...
Late Antiquity “What makes the Second Temple period so unique is that much of its literature sees no need for hard distinctions between religious communities” Author Drew Kaplan Date 10 October 2016 Many Jews in the Second Temple period believed that Israel shares a special relationship...
Rabbis “The Jewish community of the land of Israel no longer had a recognized social elite or “establishment,” and the Jews of the diaspora no longer had a center that bound them together. This was the vacuum the rabbis tried to fill” Author Drew Kaplan Date 24 August 2015 In 70 C.E., the temple was destroyed, the high priesthood and the sanhedrin ceased...
Sex, Shabbat, Talmud “How did it happen that some Second Temple sources define piety as abstaining from sex on Shabbat, but that the Rabbis defined Shabbat by the embrace of this very activity?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 1 July 2015 How did it happen that some Second Temple sources define piety as abstaining from...
Talmud “The motivations and ideology of Second Temple sectarian groups appear primarily in Rabbinic tales…, yet employing these stories for the purpose of writing history is problematical” Author Drew Kaplan Date 30 June 2015 The motivations and ideology of Second Temple sectarian groups appear primarily in Rabbinic tales...
Late Antiquity, Talmud “…although much of Second Temple and Rabbinic literature can be read in light of the Greek and later Roman-Christian context in which they were composed…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 28 June 2015 …although much of Second Temple and Rabbinic literature can be read in light of...
Talmud “A difficult choice faces us: are we to distinguish between Sadducees and Boethusians and assume that more than one group shared certain halakhic positions?” Author Drew Kaplan Date 16 June 2015 What are we to make, for example, of the overlapping texts which mentioned Boethusians...
Jewish “In the first century C.E., Judaism was marked by numerous sects and groups…” Author Drew Kaplan Date 12 May 2015 In the first century C.E., Judaism was marked by numerous sects and groups: Pharisees,...